Educação a distância e outros nós:uma análise das telessalas do Telecurso 2000 coordenadas pelo SESI na Bahia.




The starting point of this work was a dive in the experience developed in the telessalas of Telecurso 2000 coordinated by the Serviço Social da Indústria/Departamento Regional da Bahia - SESI/BA. The study object was centered in the evaluation practices inside a program of Distance Education. The intention was to notice which the sense that the was being attributed that practices by the subjects in her involved. Besides, the general organization way of the experience was observed in your pedagogic, physics, administrative and politics structures. All this involved the necessary analysis on the thought forms, the papers and expectations built in the daily, the relationships among experts, instructors and learner of the program. The outstanding conservative character of the evaluation practice in the telessalas evidences that mass education is assumed by the program. A vertical communication logic prevails in this case. Its mean one centralized production and delivery of standardized information and in wide it climbs. At the same time, the conflicts that emerged in the daily of the experience, especially around the evaluation practice, it is translating signs of exhaustion of that mass model. The interface of that experience with the technologies of the communication still turned more evident the disposition of the subjects for a new relationship with the knowledge and with a constant and fast transformation process in the world. For this perspective, the Distance Education is more that an alternative form to solve, fastly and economically, the challenges related with the education. But a field is constituted in which new challenges come as problems to be considered for the search of an understanding on the dynamics of the relationships lived actualy. To systematize those issues without the pretension of to drain them and to problematize, still plus, such relevant theme now is the challenge assumed in this text.


ensino a distância avaliação da aprendizagem educacao telessalas telecurso 2000

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