Magistratura, cidadania e acesso a justiça : os juizados especiais civeis da cidade de São Paulo




The aim of the present study is to analyze the consequences of the movement to broaden access to Brazilian Justice on the judges performance in the smaIl claim courts at Sao Paulo city. At first, this study discusses the historical and theoretical origins of the models that guide the magistrates procedure and the changes on the logical structure of the lega] argumentation. The empiric research was carried out through audiences observation in the small claim courts located at four different Sao Paulo regions; judges interviews <1ndtheir routine s follow-up, as welI as qualitative and quantitative analysis of the sentences content produced on two units at Sao Paulo city. The quantitative investigation focus on the sentences evaluation of the courts located at Pinheiros and Guaianazes. As both areas have very different socio-economic situations, it was possible to distinguish the magistrates performance in two distinct contexts. The so-called content analysis methodology, applied on this case study, is developed by selecting elements from the legal text to organize the database variables on a sample of the judges decisions at the small claim courts. The research demonstrates an ongoing transformation process in these courts decisions structure, which are quite distant from the positivist logical-deductive paradigm and closer to an argumentative model that searches a fair solution to each specific ca..e. These changes revealed a more independent and creative posture of the judges regarding the law interpretation. However, the continuity of the innovative experiences in the small cIaim courts at Sao Paulo is jeopardized by the lack of a cIear a cIear project for the judicial system, by structural weakness, and by the difficulties to modify persi stent judicial practices


justice direito poder judiciario judgments law cidadania sentença juizados judges judicial power rules of court justiça democracia democracy juizes citizenship

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