InadimplÃncia em mercados de emprÃstimos colateralizados: uma abordagem de equilÃbrio geral com mercados incompletos




This work studies the role of collateral in the credit market in a general equilibrium context. Although there are several mechanisms to enforce agents to honor their commitments the collateral requirements stands out for it used by many financial institutions. The goal of this work is twofold: one is to survey the default in a general equilibrium model with incomplete markets (GEI), the other is to demonstrate the existence of equilibrium for an economy with collateral, default and nominal assets. The methodology combines the demand approach, used by Geanakoplos and Zame (2002), and the characterization of the prices of collateralized assets via non-arbitrage developed recently by Araujo, Fajardo and Pascoa (2005).


colateral exÃgeno arbitrage mercado financeiro; administraÃÃo de crÃdito; arbitragem comercial; emprÃstimos exogenous collateral arbitragem nominal assets mercados incompletos incomplete markets ativos nominais economia geral

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