Entre-lugares: vivÃncias de fronteira â Uma narrativa autobiogrÃfica da experiÃncia Comungos - conexÃes comunitÃrias




This study consists on an (auto)biographical narrative of the Comungos â Community Connections collective, a third sector organisation which has accomplished partnerships with the Federal University of Bahia through agreements and extension activities for the constitution of formative environments between the years 2001 and 2004. As a participant of the group and ex-student of Psychology, I build this narrative with the purpose of reporting, from the con-vivence which was possible for me, this bulk of experiences of university formation almost exclusively protagonised by graduation students. I intend to situate this study in the precarious scene of political involvement and expansion of the economic neoliberalism of the 90âs, observing the progression of the technical-operating rationalism and of the economisation of the ordinary practices. There are some contemporary social regroupings in our thematic field that, due to contingences, proper occasions, individual and collective potencies, affirm themselves as movements of re-invention of reality, new abundant and âtransversal temporalitiesâ which show an awkward mixture of images of past, present and future by means of syncretic expressions and bricolage, differently referenced, in which legacies, conceptions, causes and aspirations are combined as in a leitmotiv, aggregating and keeping, though provisorily, certain social arrangements. The theoretic referential is constituted by links between the cultural studies, especially the theory makers aggregated in the field of the reflections and critics of the post-colonial thought (Homi Bhabha, Stuart Hall amongst others), and the studies that depict singularities of experiences lived in a group, along the themes which involve the sharing of life, the inventions and new contemporary collective arrangements, potentially constitutive and (re)creating of the new singularities (Maria da GlÃria Gohn, Michel de Certeau, Roland Barthes, Alain CallÃ, amongst others). Concerning the workâs methodology, there is an explicit correspondence with the ethnomethodologic principles which we absorbed some notions from. Due to the dissolution of the group in 2004, year in which this research begins, we worked fundamentally with the references from the formation and life stories (Jorge Larrosa, Marie-Christine Josso, EclÃa Bosi). We worked with archives of messages swapped between the years 1999 and 2004: institutional documents, image archives and semi-structured interviews accomplished with direct and indirect participants between May 2005 and February 2006.


educacao prÃticas auto-formativas culture micro-inventions self-formative practices psicologia social entre-lugares micro-invenÃÃes coletivos cultura in-between collectives

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