Efeitos temporaisda decisÃo no controle jurisdicional deconstitucionalidade: a eficÃcia prospectiva do julgado no sistema constitucional brasileiro




This dissertation analyses the restraint of the temporal effects of the decision of unconstitutionality of statutes in the Brazilian constitutionality control. For this purpose, the author examines the delimitation of the concept of unconstitutionality and its temporal effects in the Austrian and North American models, as well as its influence in the Brazilian system. The author emphasizes the tradition of the brazilian doctrine and jurisprudence in identifying the concepts of nullity and unconstitutionality, just as the now existing tendency to the universalization of legal and jurisprudential alternatives to the void ab initio theory, and to the following dismissal from the unconstitutionality-nullity dogma. The research considers, in this context, the application of the proportionality principle and the need of ponderation of the conflict interests on the occasion of the unconstitutionality declaration and the settlement of its effects, examining, besides, the repercussion of the Law n. 9.868/99 and Law n. 9.882 in this matter. Otherwise, for the purpose to establish standards to the legitimate adoption of this technic, the author does not restrict the study to the mentioned law, but takes them as starting-point to a vaster analysis of the institute and the ins and outs of its application by the Brazilian Supreme Court


decisÃo de inconstitucionalidade jurisdictional constitutional control limitaÃÃo de efeitos temporais temporal effects restraint controle jurisdicional de constitucionalidade decision of unconstitutionality direito constitucional

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