Direito à filiação e inseminação post motem: Uma solução à luz do direito positivo brasileiro




The main purpose of this dissertation is to discuss the right to familial relationship and to post mortem artificial insemination in which many countries are concerned about the fate of the material collected for artificial insemination; especially after the death of the donor. It will be demonstrated that bioethics cannot be considered a standalone discipline when compared to other disciplines that also support and continue to give strength to the above mentioned subject. In addition it is possible in the laboratory through manipulation the conception of children but it is only acceptable in some cases. However it is necessary that the parties comply with the principles of bioethics which are: the autonomy beneficence non-maleficence and justice. Moreover it will be discussed that the professionals that deal with assisted human reproduction should be aware of all the medical and legal consequences for the sake of those expected and that they are supported by the participants not only physicians but also patients


bioethics post mortem insemination dignidade dignity inseminação post mortem bioética direito

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