Uma análise da interrelação entre os programas de transferência condicionada de renda e as políticas de segurança alimentar implantadas em três países da América Latina : México, Brasil e Peru / An analysis of the interrelationship between conditional cash transfer programs and food security and nutritional policies implemented in three Latin American countries : Mexico, Bazil and Peru


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The subject discussed in this thesis focused on the comparative analysis of poverty control policies in three Latin American countries Mexico, Brazil and Peru, specifically in the policies of Food and Nutritional Security (SAN) and Conditional Cash Transfer programs (CCT). Research has shown the way theory and practice experienced by these policies noting that the three countries had a common point in the implementation and execution of actions to against poverty policies that was the emergence of so-called -strategies for overcoming poverty- created in order to reduce spraying and fragmentation present in the design and implementation of these programs. In Mexico we study the -Progresa-Oportunidades- and the policies of SAN along with strategies -Vivir Mejor and ContigoII. In Brazil studied the -Bolsa Familia- program and policies of SAN, the Zero Hunger strategy, and analyzing the newly created program -Brasil Sem MisériaII - Brazil Without Poverty. In Peru we analyze the "Juntos", Crecer strategy and SAN policies applied in this country.


políticas públicas política alimentar programas de sustentação de renda renda - distribuição public policies food policy income transfer programs income distribution

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