Estudo comparado entre os programas de transferência condicionada de renda no Brasil e México / A comparative study between conditioned income transfer programs in Brazil and Mexico


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The dissertation A Comparative Study of the Conditioned Income Transfer Programs in Brazil and Mexico aims to carry out a profound study of the two main income transfer programs in the mentioned countries in order to identify its benefits and limitations. Considering that in Latin America the challenges to reduce poverty and inequality are still enormous, presenting the necessity of an ample discussion between the civil society and governments to overcome them, the study of such regional programs have the potential to deepen the debate in order to improve such programs. The most recent estimates on the levels of poverty and indigence in Latin America are still very alarming, although there has been some significant improvement in the past years. Data from 2007 published by CEPAL (United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean) point that 184 million people in the region are dwelling within poverty levels. Since the end of the 1990s, the Latin American governments have been implementing Conditioned Income Transfer Programs focused on poor families, in order to alleviate poverty in the short term through income transfers and fight against its dissemination throughout generations by demanding the fulfillment of certain conditions. This dissertation has focused on the Bolsa Família Program in Brazil and PROGRESA/Oportunidades in Mexico, which are the two most significant programs of such kind in the world, aiming to evaluate their positive effects as well as their limitations.


américa latina bolsa família program conditioned income transfer programs latin america poverty reduction programa bolsa família programa progresa/oportunidades programas de transferência condicionada de renda progresa/oportunidades program redução da pobreza

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