Translate, Adapt e Validate of Test de Vocabulario en ImÃgenes Peabody (TVIP) / TraduÃÃo, adaptaÃÃo e validaÃÃo do test de vocabulÃrio em imÃgenes peabody (TVIP)




The aim of the current study was to translate, adapt and validate a receptive vocabulary test, the PPVT (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test), and point out its contributions for the construction and validation of instruments of psychological evaluation in the Portuguese language, providing tools for psychologists and speech therapists dealing with children s verbal communication disorder. During language evolution, there is a huge number of children who present oral language alterations that can be related to the expressive language, the receptive one or both. The development access to specific language areas, such as, lexical, phonological and morphologic provide theoretical and empiric subsidies that will help to develop a clear awareness of the oral language and its possible changes. By knowing that this area is one of great lack in psychology development, in Brazil, with clear negative reflexes in the investigations and in the professional exercise, it really makes sense that a larger number of academics dedicate their investigations to this theme, developing reliable measures. Such instruments will help to diagnose verbal communication disorders and subsequent intervention. 203 children from Recife Metropolitan Area participated in this study, of both sexes, between 5 and 7 years old, contacted at private and public (government) schools, day care, Federal University of Pernambuco School Clinic, and low income communities. Children were distributed into groups in the following way: 118 from public (government) schools, 65 from private schools and 20 with no schooling access. It is quite important to mention that 31 children, from public (government) and private schools, with language alteration complaints made part of this sample. Data were collected in three phases. In the first phase Raven Matrices were used as well as phonological awareness tests (sounds categorization and phonemes subtraction). In the second phase a test of receptive vocabulary was given, the PPVT, and a sentence analogy task. The third phase took place six months after the second one, with 37% of the total sample. At this step children were retested on the receptive vocabulary test so that we could analyze the results precision. In order to obtain a sample of children with language alteration complaints parents had to fill in a questionnaire or be interviewed, so that possible language disturbances could be identified. The analysis process started with the description of psychometric qualities on the receptive vocabulary test. In order to validate the test, we computed a series of parametric analyses (correlations, multiple regressions and analysis of variance) as well as non-parametric (Similarity Structure Analysis, external variables as points in SSA) aiming to establish the relationship between PPVT and the other linguistics and cognitive tests used in this investigation. We observed that the sentences analogy tasks and phonemes subtraction present a positive and significant relationship with the PPVT, and the results seem to suggest a larger contribution of these tasks for the increase on vocabulary. It was also observed that (a) children with alteration complaints presented lower results on the linguistic tests and that those results on the PPVT suggest a contribution of this evaluation instrument for futures communication disorder diagnosis; (b) language and cognitive variables differ according to social origin and children s developmental variables, in fact, as we know according to literature on this area, older children or those who belong to upper classes present higher lexical competence. Finally these results are discussed trying, not only to better understand the acquisition and development of the vocabulary, but also its integration with other language dimensions, as well as subsidize a psychological discussion concerning the need of the elaboration of measure instruments that respect the scientific rigor and with the necessary quality to subsidize the clinical and or academic decisions in the psychology and phonoaudiology (speech therapy) areas.


test de vocabulario en imÃgenes peabody language linguagem validation of instruments psicologia cognitiva peabody picture vocabulary test validaÃÃo de instrumentos

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