Substituição parcial de silagem de milho por farelo de glúten de milho desidratado na ração de vacas holandesas em lactação / Replacement of corn silage with corn gluten feed for lactating dairy cows




Corn silage is one of the major feedstuffs used in dairy farms but its high cost has encouraged farmers to look after alternative feeds. Corn gluten feed has been used as a source of energy, protein and effective fiber in dairy rations. This study was carried out at the Departamento de Zootecnia, Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, in a free-stall facility, with 30 mid-lactation Holsteins multiparous cows, averaging 25 to 30 kg milk/day and 654 kg body weight. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of replacing 0, 8 and 16% corn silage dry matter with dried corn gluten feed. Experimental diets were formulated by the NRC, 2001 and were isonitrogenous and isoenergetic. Cows fed both corn gluten feed supplemented diets produced more milk and 3.5% FCM than control animals. Milk composition and plasma urea and glucose were the same among treatments. Under the conditions of this trial, corn gluten feed was an effective replacement for corn silage, both from the nutritional and economical stand point.


dieta animal holsteins corn gluten feed leite – composição lactação animal milk composition silagem corn silage subprodutos para animais vacas milk production farelos by-products ração

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