Substituição do milho em grãos por subprodutos da agroindústria na ração de vacas leiteiras em confinamento / Substitution of Byproducts for Corn Grain in Confined Lactating Cows Diets




Four identical experiments were conducted to evaluate the substitution of some byproducts for corn grain in confined lactating cows diets. The only source of variation among them was the byproduct tested. In trial 1 the inclusion of three doses of corn gluten feed (FGM-21) (0, 10 and 20% DM) in substitution for ground corn was evaluated. Treatments did not affect (P>0.10) daily dry matter intake (DMI) (21.19 kg/cow), milk yield (24.88 kg/cow), 3,5% fat corrected milk yield (FCM) (25.34 kg/cow), milk fat content (3.62%), and milk total solids (11.86%). Inclusion of corn gluten feed affected milk protein, lactose and urea concentrations (P<0.05). In trial 2 the inclusion of three doses of soy hulls (0, 10 and 20% DM) in substitution for ground corn was evaluated. Inclusion of soy hulls had no effect on daily dry matter intake (DMI) (22.84 kg/d), milk yield (28.33 kg/d) or fat corrected milk (FCM) yield (28.48 kd/d) (P>0.05). However, inclusion of CS linearly increased total milk fat yield (P<0,05) and linearly decreased MUN (P<0,01). In trial 3 the inclusion of three doses of wheat middlings (FT) (0, 10 and 20% DM) in substitution for ground corn was evaluated. Inclusion of FT reduced (P<0,05) dry matter intake (22.20 kg/d average) and milk yield (P<0,01) (31.65 kg/d average), FCM yield (27.44 kg/d average), total milk fat, protein and lactose, and milk total solids (P<0,05). Milk components concentration was not affected by treatments. Inclusion of the byproduct increased MUN concentration (P<0,01).


grãos para animais byproducts confinamento animal dairy cows milk production and composition indústria agrícola soy hulls corn gluten feed subprodutos para animais vacas leiteiras milho wheat middlings

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