Relief and tension: a study on the interpretation and application of the Maria da Penha Law in Woman Defense Police Stations and in Police Stations of Santo André - SP / Alívio e tensão: um estudo sobre a interpretação e a aplicação da Lei Maria da Penha nas Delegacias de Defesa da Mulher e Distritos Policiais da Seccional de Polícia de Santo André - São Paulo




Violence against woman represents a violation to human rights and fundamental liberties. In 2006, Brazilian government approved the Law 11.340 named Maria da Penha Law which cohibits domestic and familiar violence against woman. In spite of effort which has been done from governmental and non-governmental organisms, the implantation of Maria da Penha Law has found resistances. Some representatives of Court advocate the legacy of this law. The interpretation and appliability of the Law get submitted to social representations about the woman in society and her rights. The theory of social representations constitutes a support to analyze speeches of police officers at Woman Police Station and Police Stations which deal with that Law, day after day.


maria da penha law lei maria da penha gênero gender woman defense police station violence against woman delegacia de defesa da mulher social representations representações sociais violência contra a mulher

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