Relações Sociais: Estudo a partir da teoria de desenvolvimento de Henri Wallon / Social Relations: a study based on Henri Wallons theory of development




The present work is a theoretical research based on bibliographical documents whose object of study are the characteristics of the social relations between child and environment based on descriptions of the five stages of development contained in the documents written by Henri Wallon (1879-1962). Research data were collected and systematized through the study of four complete works of the author: Les origenes du caractère chez lenfant (1934/2002), L évolution psychologique de lenfant (1941/1968), De lacte a la pensée (1942/1970), Plan Langevin-Wallon de la reforme de lenseignement (1947a/1997) and two collections of articles published by the journal Enfance and edited, subsequently, in the form of books: Psychologie et Éducation de lenfance (1959) and Buts et méthodes de la Psychologie (1963). Data collection was guided by the reading of the above-mentioned works, having the following words as axis: social, environment and their derivations (social environment, social relation, social interaction, sociability, socialization, socius). Data analysis was supported by the theoretical references, the literature that was researched on the theme, as well as the main systematizers and commentators of Henri Wallons work. The question that guided the study was: What are the characteristics of the social relations based on the descriptions of the stages of development present in Henri Wallons theory?. The following relations were found: firstly, symbiotic relations (physiological symbiosis and affective symbiosis), characteristic of the Impulsive-emotional stage. Secondly, reciprocity relations of an alternating and bipolar nature, characteristic of the Motor-sensorial and projective stage. Thirdly, conflict and opposition relations, characteristic of the stage of Personalism. Fourthly, reciprocity relations of a more egalitarian nature in the Categorial stage, and finally, conflict and opposition relations characteristic of the Puberty-adolescence stage.


psicologia educacional desenvolvimento infantil relações sociais princípios educacionais educational principles. wallon, henri, 1879-1962 - crítica e interpretação social relations henri wallons theory of development

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