Re-significando o saber-fazer/dizer da prática pedagógica de professoras ao ensinar geografia às crianças do 2 ciclo.




This present study aimed to investigate, in the scope of pedagogical practise, the knowledge related to seven Rio Grande do Norte state teachers know-how-to do/say applied, specifically, in the Geography field of the second cycle of the Elementary Education. In order to do so, a re-signification of the teachers knowledge was sought through two mutually completing moments: observation and interviewing as part of an articulation between what is called know-how-to-do and know-how-to-say. The data was raised and analysed in a conceptual structure context which distances itself from the perspective of action idealization, to understand the conditions of a placed practise what the teachers do, what they say about their work and on what they base themselves to knowdo- say in their pedagogical practise which are the emphasized aspects of this study. Serving as theoretical basis to this study are the ideas of TARDIF (2002), SHULMAN (1986) and BARTH (1994), referring to aspects of constitution, charachterization and validation of teaching knowledge. This works main contribution could be pointed out as being the investigation of practise as a mean to produce knowledge, and the emphasis on the importance of the use of data and observed results as a way to (re)think teacher education programs/projects. Finally, as indicators of the knowledge related to the investigated practise, or the teaching knowledge, it is shown that these are conditioned, subjected to imperatives, impeded by elements not always observable by the own subject of the action and therefore are presented with morphological and stylistic traces which are historical-cultural and remarkably didactical. KEY-WORDS: pedagogical practise, teaching knowledge and Geography teaching.


pedagogical practise teaching knowledge saberes docentes geografia - estudo e ensino prática de ensino prática pedagógica educacao professores - formação ensino de geografia geography teaching

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