Preoperative cardiological assessment for vascular surgery / AvaliaÃÃo cardiolÃgica prÃ-operatÃria em cirurgia vascular sem cintilografia miocÃrdica




The objective was to conduct a review of the literature and establish better what has been done with regard to preoperative cardiological assessments, especially for vascular surgery, and to consider what the main proposals emphasized in the current literature are. A bibliographic review was carried out using the databases of the Latin American and Caribbean Center for Health Sciences Information (Bireme), Lilacs, Scielo, Medline and Cochrane, for the period from 1963 to 2006. This review considered cardiological risk estimates and listed the principal classifications published on this subject, up to the publication of the most recent guidelines for cardiological evaluations for non cardiac surgery that were published by the American cardiology societies. The inherent risk of surgery, the non-invasive tests utilized and their limitations, and also the proposals for using protective drugs such as beta-blockers, were also evaluated. Finally, the management of prophylactic cardiological interventions, which are questionable under these circumstances, was considered


avaliaÃÃo prÃ-operatÃria risk stratification preoperative assessment estratificaÃÃo do risco coronary arterial disease cirurgia nÃo-cardÃaca teste de estresse stress test non-cardiac surgery saude publica doenÃa arterial coronariana

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