Pregnants experiencing privacy at the daily life of the hospital: a contribution to the obstetric nursing care / A vivência de privacidade pelas parturientes no cotidiano hospitalar: uma contribuição para o cuidar em enfermagem obstétrica




In spite of the efforts made by some public managers and obstetric nurses, we witness crowded hospitals and strict rules that force women to give up on their clothes and relatives at the daily life of Rio de Janeiros city maternities. In this field, the obstetric nursing is inserted in the humanization movement, that has been concerned about pregnancy and labor as a reproductive right. Among the principles that guide the obstetric nurses care, developed by Progianti and Vargens (2004), we point out the one that says that an obstetric nurse must defend the gravids right of privacy and safety. This principle is based in the labors physiology as explained by Odent (2000), which says that the woman has an innate mechanism of giving birth, and it does not need interventions and requires a safe environment, with privacy and low rational stimulus. Therefore, this study defends that experiencing privacy during labor is fundamental to its physiology and call into question how the woman experiences privacy at the daily life of the hospital, an adverse environment for such purpose. The object of this research was the gravids experiences of privacy at the daily life of the hospital, and its aims have been: to analyse how women comprehend their labor privacy and to discuss the strategies used by pregnants to get privacy at the daily life of the hospital. As theoretical referential, it have been used the daily life and privacy by Michel Maffesoli (1984), plus strategies classified by him to face a day-to-day life that works against the privacy. It is a descriptive study with qualitative approach, in which were carried out structured interviews with ten pregnants that gave birth natural in a Rio de Janeiros city maternity. To divide data into cathegories we followed the steps of content analysis created by Bardin (1977). The study showed that daily life at the hospital is inappropriate and goes against the definition of privacy; and it proved two groups of women: those who do not give importance to privacy and those who do give importance to privacy, considering that both groups developed strategies to experience privacy at the daily life of the hospital. The strategies used by women were: cunning, silence, duplicity and life acceptance, generated by pregnants imagination during labor (Michel Maffesoli, 1984). We conclude that privacy, valued or not, is necessary during labor. To offer privacy is to look for the most physiologic labor as possible. In front of the facts exposed, we suggest that privacy turns into a nursing valued care during labor and birth, at the daily routine as well inside the imaginary world of the pacients. For privacy is a part of our ethical code, and, besides that, it is a humanized care of big importance for those who fight for this cause.


enfermagem na saúde e higiene da mulher humanização do parto labor privacidade saúde da mulher obstetric nursing trabalho de parto direito à privacidade privacy enfermagem woman healthcare enfermagem obstétrica

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