Psychosocial care center: how the user experiences the service daily life / Centro de atenção psicossocial: como o usuário vivencia o cotidiano do serviço




In Brazil, the Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS) have been considered to be innovative experiences in caring for people who have psychiatrical sufferings. These territorial facilities organize their practices in principles from the Psychiatric Reformation and must go beyond the traditional psychiatric practices. This research aim to analyze the Psychosocial Care Center - Espaço Vivo - located in a city in the countryside of São Paulo state, as an apparatus which is presented as an intermediate way to the psychiatric hospitalization and whose institutitional axis has been based in the Psychosocial Rehabilitation principles. For this study to be carried out, firstly, I described the structure and dynamics of CAPS and, in a second moment, I intended to understand how the therapeutic process offered by the service is experienced by the users served by it. For the aprehension of this purpose, I followed the path of qualitative research, performing a case study, descriptive and analytical.. For collecting the data, participating observation and semi-structured interviews with the users helped by the service were used, making a total of eleven patients. The collected data were submitted to theme analysis. The results presented in the research were structured by three large topics coming from the testimonials of the research subjects. The first topic was The organicist influence in the care provided by the service. From this idea, the way the users have been experiencing the therapeutic practices in the service could be analysed and discussed. This way, other subtopics came from this question: the medical professional value, the emphasis in the medicine-based therapeutics and the importance of the therapeutic approach on the symptons presented by the users. The second topic which came from the analysis was The CAPS as a helping scenario in the social relations network. On this topic, I discussed how the CAPS space has been conforming within the therapeutic actions, in the user/service and user/professional relations, the bonding formation, and also, how the users have experienced and used the CAPS. The last presented topic is the one which brings the Therapeutic work towards the users daily life. In this topici, the difficulty and readiness of the users in facing the daily life challenges and how the service therapeutic practices have been conforming in this direction were approached. I concluded that the daily action of the service happens in a contradictory area, once it was possible to aprehend practices which are still connected to the traditional psychiatric model but also innovative actions which go towards the psychiatric reformation and psychosocial rehabilitation. In the end of this study, I intend to be helpful in the reflexions on the health work and, also to be able to contribute in the mental health service organization, in order to improve the care offered to the users who pass through a psychiatric suffering experience.


reforma psiquiátrica health community services saúde mental serviços comunitários de saúde mental mental health reabilitação psicossocial psychosocial rehabilitation psychiatric reformmental

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