O ítalo-trentino no desenvolvimento do Vale do Itajaí (SC): estudo dos municípios de Luís Alves, Rio dos Cedros e Rio do Oeste




The contribution of the trentini and Italian people to the development of the Itajaí Valley was analised with base on the towns of Rio do Oeste, Rio dos Cedros and Luís Alves, belonging to the microregion of High Valley, Middle Valley and the Mouth of Itajaí River, respectively. The study wants to show the importance of the development undertook by the immigrants and descendants of Trento and Italy, breaking the mystification the region increased by the German enterprise. The research is bibliographic, documental and of field and, to its realization, it was analised bibliography about the themes: immigration, Italian colonization in Santa Catarina, history of the three towns, regional development, culture, identity and organization of the civil society. Some photos used are old, ceded by fonts and extracted of publication, but the majority was took specially to the search. Some moments of parties in the comunities were observed, like the Festa Trentina, Festa da Cachaça and religious parties in the towns , and Festa da Polenta by video-tape. In the field work, 43 interviews were did in the three towns, some a few by telephone and the majority recorded on tapes, using in great part the oral history to the memory ransom. A part of the fonts was indicated by the own interviewed, forming this way a net of fonts. Interviews were done with oficial fonts (mayor, secretaries and directors of entities), but the majority of the oral fonts were old people, inhabitants of the communities. Crossing information of the field work and the bibliographic research, it was found out that the immigrants endured difficulties since the beginning of the colonization process, and their descendents reproduced of evident way their life style, keeping a big part in the rural area, characterizing a singular development of small town. The migration and the rural exodus contributed to delay the development of the trentini and Italian comunities, that nowadays live some limitations that pole cities have already overcame, like in the health area and education, for example. The trial to overcome the economic difficulties drove the immigrants, under Catholic church influence, to organize cooperative society, that didnt succeed, because members of the organization didnt partake the essential characteristics of cooperation. Latterly, the descendants tried again, but the experiences didnt become successful like they desired, caused by the individualism and maybe because politics divergences. Another aspect is the preservation of trentini and Italian culture, whose elements are maintained by the own people, specially in the families, and have received backing of the circle and associations of descendants, although the inconsistent public politics. These components make possible the construction of the people identity, doing her a factor that gives the motive the cultural and rural tourism, associated with natural appeals, and also offers support to feasts nowadays promoted by the city halls


imigração regional development ciências humanas italianos itajaí-açú, rio, vale (sc)- história; itajaí-açú, rio, vale (sc) - colonização - história immigration colonização italiana em santa catarina desenvolvimento regional italian colonization in santa catarina

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