O aluno-monitor e a inclusão digital na escola pública




This research aims to study the experience of the student-monitor who works in the computer rooms in public schools of the State of São Paulo. In this perspective, the methodology is the description that contextualizes the virtual community of students-monitors the website of relationship Orkut. The study of virtual communities open space to discuss the student-monitor in his voice and language, the language of the computer. I intend to investigate further the vision of contemporary studies the objects and a bit of technology that moves the universe of technology and education. About it is important to highlight the contemporary studies in order to implement the updates and innovations that accompany this young user/interatores the computer room of the public schools of the state. A critical reading of this student in comparison with the structure of social space and it works is described as well as the formation of the contemporary subject before the new information technologies and development of user/interatores. The expected results are focused on possible to enlarge the possibilities of interfering in the new subject area of public education, and what can be as teacher, researcher and social subject, how to review the concepts and possible acquisitions of new collective and educational projects as the student-monitor.


contemporary studies outros student monitor educação tecnologia aluno monitor education technology estudos contemporâneo

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