Não era bem isto o que eu esperava da universidade : um estudo de escolhas profissionais




Moved by the desire to interrogate the Being that exp experiences the proeess of choosing a profession, intentionally selested the phenomenologieal trajectorory to carry out this study. This provided me with access to the young adults of the psychology course of the College of Science and Letters of the University of são Paulo, Ribeirão Preto campus who werw experiencing this process at times between 1980 and 1989. The experience of choosing a profession can be understood considering the possible manners of an authentie and/or unauthentie Being in light of the ideas of Heidegger. As such the Being is open to possibilities of construeting his own life projeet, whieh is ineludes the power to make continuous choices as well as to assume the responsabilities. compromises and risks related to these choices.


psicologia educacional orientação educacional psicologia - orientação profissional

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