Desenvolvimento sustentável, cultura e alteridade :um estudo a partir das comunidades indígenas da Amazônia




One of the goals of modern science was to dissolve myths and replace the imaginary by knowledge, illustrating the thesis that man s superiority lies in his ability to rule in practice over Nature. The role of the human being and the visibility of horizontal communications among different markets, particularly the center-periphery relationship, however, raised the need for some emancipatory knowledge, capable of overcoming scientific reasoning and existing paradigms. This led to an epistemological transition towards a new physical and social sustainability. The new theoretical framework allows for the review of the concepts of capital and culture and their practical applications to development. It also takes into account the importance of the indigenous man to the universal thought, pointing out that a given development is sustainable only when defined by its relationship to culture, significance and communication. This rupture is located in a new dimension given to the relation of otherness, in which the "other" is considered as subject and given respect and equality. From this standpoint, a social practice already underway in the Amazon Region is hereby presented with the idea that the Law offers a repertoire for correcting systemic unsteadinesses and economic-cultural asymmetries. The solutions found in the study are not linear since it deals with an evolution by exchange in which day by day one takes more of the others side creating, by the reciprocity of interests, a better understanding and a broader scope of values.


Índios da américa do sul - amazônia - condições econômicas direito - dissertações direito econômico direito law environmental law direito ambiental - aspectos sociais amazon river region tutela jurisdicional desenvolvimento sustentável - amazônia indians of south america sustainable development

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