(Des)ve(n)dando segredos do hipertexto




This work analyzes the hypertexts written by elementary and high school teachers in an workshop developed during 100 (one hundred) hours in the Núcleo de Tecnologia Educacional NTE from Três Lagoas city, having as informatics resources the following softwares Paint, Word, Power Point and Internet Explorer. Based on theoretical presupposes of the Textual Linguistic, specially, the contributions come from Marcuschi (2000, 2005 and 2007), Koch (2003, 2005 and 2007), Araújo (2007), Komesu (2005) and Xavier (2005), the objective of this work was to describe and analyze the construction process these hypertexts (from now on HTs), discussing about regularities and (possible) dispersions in relation to hipertextuality standards, like no-linearity, topografiticity, fragmentarity, descenterment, multissemiosis and intertextuality, taking to principle of author (BARTHES, 1988). The perspective adopted is linked to digital inclusion principles, declared by Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação LDB (1996), in searching of a new textual form production contributes to learning in the classroom, on the several knowledge areas. The work is organized in three chapters: the first contains a brief exposition about Textual Linguistic (history and principles) and about the concepts of text and textuality. The second chapter surfs on the history and the characteristics of the hypertext, getting to the discussion relative to author in the digital world. The analysis of corpus constitutes the works third chapter and it explores the characteristics of each HT and the standards of the hipertextuality. The intertextuality was the aspect more visible on the corpus, since the frontier between author and reader is diluted, joined to the trace of ilimited accessibility to different forms of interaction. The access for each HT also puts in scene multissemiosis traces. Considering the way of production of the HTs (as a regulator center specie, that the information is handed out in a traditional text and the purpose of its building as traces like volatility, topografiticity (textual limits: beginning, middle and end) and no-linearity were less visible. It was observed during analyze process of the teachers hypertexts theres a rupture with traditional identities of author and writer, and also the senses production is permitted by multissemiosis, indirect anaphor and intertextuality.


hypertext hipertexto construção de sentido letras gêneros textuais padrões de hipertextualidade hypertextuality standards textual genders sense construction

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