Da escolarização do esporte à esportivização da escola: tradição e espetáculo nos Jogos da Primavera de Sergipe 1964-1995).




The 20th century was highlighted by the growth of industry, by the economic transnationalization, by the bipolarity between capitalism and socialism, by the expansion of basic education in the midst of an economic barbarism. Specially the century of spectacle, a phenomena which, under the dynamics of modernity, shaped the comprehension of the world and the social relationships to the frenetic imagetic logics of capital, altering human routines in its practical experiences. Education and sport were two of the central elements of this century while the youth, facing its social insertion, euphoria and frenzy characteristics became the main target of the spectacle. In the field of modern educational projects, the sport, as a cultural and historic production of modernity guided by the institutionalization of entertaining themes belonging to the bodily culture, was appropriate as knowing how to be schooled. This sport schooling came, beginning in the 50s, along with the strengthening of mass communication means and the reconstruction of traditions as a spectacle, to its exacerbation as a unique content, reaching the status of school sporting, a connection of the whole school dynamics to the sports logics consubstantiated in control, performance, selection and efficacy. This process largely suffered political interferences, foresaw marketing interests, took advantage of cultural insertions and reflected specific teaching practices, both inside as well as outside school limits. The explosion of this process at school had sport-educational events as one of the main pillars, the famous student games which, in Sergipe, got incrusted into the social memory as Spring Games. Developed during the period between 1964 and 1995, with stops, weakening and strengthening episodes, the Spring Games brought to surface the tensions between the concepts of school and sport, the definition of teaching practice and the distinctive projects of human development at school, which brought up a question: what dimensions, contradictions and representations were materialized within Sergipes Spring Games, as to the global process of sporting the school? This thesis aims, therefore, to analyze the historical process of sporting the school by means of genesis comprehension, strengthening, contradictions and representations of the Spring Games of Sergipe, mediating tradition and spectacle. Characterizing itself as a historical research which measures the diachrony and synchrony, laying on the tense dialogs between historical materialism and cultural history, several sources were used: from official sources representing the interests of administrators to sources that made possible to verify the practices and their representations at the limits of man experiences, to know: newspapers, iconographies and oral sources. It is concluded that sporting school is the educational synthesis of the spectacle society. Such synthesis was consolidated, via student games, with the continuous rebuilding of sport ritual traditions into spectacle, with emphasis in the commercial character of the sport,stunning the school environment with its logics of productivity and selection. This process came about from the active resistance of teachers and students involved in those practices making possible, in modern times, the projection and the construction of new practices which lay on cultural policies, made towards human development.


educacao escolarização spectacle esporte tradição jogos estudantis tradition schooling student games espetáculo sport

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