Clima organizacional e o mercado de ações : um estudo empírico de evento


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Obtaining an excellent organizational climate has been firmly put on "today s agenda" in business circles. Research justifies this concern: the benefits brought from keeping staff satisfied range from a lower employee turnover to an increased employee commitment to Company objectives. Finding, motivating and retaining talents has become one of the main missions for CEO s abroad and maintaining an excellent organizational climate has become an integral part of Human Resource s strategy in most companies. One way to measure organizational climate administration is to constantly measure the climate and, "compare oneself" with the market by way of specialist magazines such as the Guia VOCÊ S/A"- the best companies to work for - in this case here in Brazil. Checking how important this publication is as a beacon which may, or may not, guide those talents is not the focus of this work, but rather it is to verify whether the Brazilian Stock Market (BOVESPA) has an inclination to pay an award for Company actions in firms with an organizational climate differential as shown in Guia VOCÊ S/A". To this end a case study was carried out into Brazilian companies with Open Capital which were evaluated by Guia VOCÊ S/A" over the period of 2002 - 2008. The results show the inexistence of statistically significant abnormal returns for those companies evaluated around and on the date of publication of the, Guia VOCÊ S/A".


ciencias contabeis mercado de capitais - desempenho comportamento organizacional capital market organizational behavior performance

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