Ciclos e avaliação: repercussões da reforma do ensino da rede estadual de São Paulo (1996-2003) na sala de aula / Ciclos e avaliação: repercussões da reforma do ensino da rede estadual de São Paulo (1996-2003) na sala de aula




This work analyzes the consequences of educational systems reforms, went through in the second half of 90s, on daily activities of 4th series in a São Paulo States School. From classes observations, interviews and documents analysis, we searched for evidences of adjustments on the pedagogical practice related to cycles organization, particularly referring to evaluation. We analysed the São Paulos cycles implementation and we defended the formative evaluation as an adequate answer to assure a continuing learning process through one or more cycles. Throughout an evaluation of formative character, eventual complications in the learning process would be identified and receive attention, not leaving only overcome to time recovery. In the concrete daily practices, we had observed that pedagogical work do not suffered proportional alterations related to the amplitude of the changes to cycles organization. If we found teachers engaged in a continuous evaluation that included a huge variety of evaluative activities, in the other hand, we identified in many situations an inadequate attention to the classroom diversity, preventing from a complete cycle of evaluation with adjusted assistance offered according to the students needs. We constated that classroom modifications are not a natural and direct consequence of innovation implemented by public organizations. Nevertheless, there are lacks to fulfill by action and we endorse a possibility of changes in the daily classes, in a more democratic and comprehensive direction, through the strength of teamwork, developed into an educational project that gives meaning to collective efforts and personal projects from each one that lives the everyday school


formative evaluation reforma do ensino - avaliação são paulo states educational reform pedagogical practices educacao reformas do ensino no estado de são paulo (1995-2003) ciclos avaliação formativa cycle

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