Cadeia produtiva da carne de frango em Mato Grosso do Sul: instrumento para desenvolvimento local




Any economic intervention, either public or private, cannot have its effects completely measured and understood if it is not understood as part of a system with some links, with complex relations among the units and agents with in it. The economic intervention is taking place in a globalized world, where the interdependence is the basic characteristic of the units responsible for the flows of the worldwide market. So far, the analysis of the productive chain of the meat of chicken in Mato Grosso do Sul, object of this dissertation, is, mainly, the comment not only of the existing relations among its links and in the relation of the chain itself with the society of Mato Grosso do Sul, but as these relations interfere with the local development, according to territorial system identified by Denis Maillat. the used methodology was the semi-structuralized interview, with extended analysis - quanti-qualitative techniques - with data collected directly and indirectly in the field of the positive economy, and later in the normative economy field. This analysis allowed the elaboration of suggestions to the state government in order to take a position to build this sector with more competitiveness, harmony and justice, not only economically but also socially.


desenvolvimento local. relações, sistemas territoriais de produção productive chain local development. territorial systems of production avicultura relations planejamento urbano e regional cadeia produtiva poultry keeping carne de ave; avicultura mato grosso do sul; ave -criação

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