Bola de Neve teen: um estudo sobre a relação do adolescente com o sagrado na Bola de Neve Church




This work regards the birth and history of Bola de Neve Church in the Brasilian field among the neopentecostal moviment. It draws its origin, development, emphasizing the qualities of the founder of BDNC, who left Renascer em cristo Church to found his own deonomination. It analyzes who the adolescent is today, in modern society. It looks into their needs and chalenges, as well as the changes they are submited to. It looks at their behaviour and seek for identity building. It observes the formation of groups and other kinds of relationships necessary and interconnected to the adolescents life. It analyzes the enviroment and participation of the adolescent in BDNC. It verifies the way the teeager is treated and the way he behaves in a religious enviroment at Bola de Neve Church, studying the impact of religion learning on the relashionships of these teenagers with the society, church and family.


adolescents neopentecostalismo adolescente ciencias humanas sacred neopentecostalism teen bola de neve sagrado bola de neve teen

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