AvaliaÃÃo de programas sociais em organizaÃÃes nÃo-governamentais: um caso de avaliaÃÃo de impacto




The social programs assessment is an important strategic instrument that provides substantive information about the changes happened in the social context. However, this field, already consolidated in other countries, has received little attention from studious in Brazil, mainly, when it is about programs assessment implemented by Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Considering the difficulty and necessity of the NGOs in assessing their programs, that the main intention is to know the impact of its intervention, and the importance of extending the assessment study and practice in Brazil, this study presents an empirical experience of assessing, through a participative approach, the impact of a Program implemented by a Brazilian NGO called âServiÃo de JustiÃa e Paz do Recifeâ (Recifeâs Peace and Justice Service)


impact assessment (ia) social programs assessment avaliaÃÃo de programas sociais social impact assessment non governmental organizations (ngos) avaliaÃÃo de impacto organizaÃÃes nÃo-governamentais (ongs) administracao

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