Auxilio-reclusão no regime geral de previdência solcial




For this work the first objective is to demonstrate the importance of retired installment reclusion assistance to maintain the protection of family and dependents. This approach is a historical question of beneficiary to the mayor comprehension of social function, passing by law evolution to the present norm regulation. It is necessary for the up to date study of law regarding reclusion assistance to limit family protection and dependents. This composition demonstrates this retrocession and law income is unconstitutional, there is judicial guaranty to concede this benefit, reclusion assistance, independent of income. Following comments of Professor Wagner Balera defends if it is possible to concede this benefit: reclusion assistance to retired criminal, if is a worker and a criminal. Searching kinds of jail and regime to simplify if it is possible reclusion assistance and how and why to stop receiving benefit. Since of beginning to the end, work was demonstrating the benefit, reclusion assistance, is a guaranty for family protection and dependents, beyond of fundamental importance of economic equilibrium of nation, to proportionate for receivers a life quality, serving a monthly income to maintain food, health and educational support. Eventually, reclusion assistance is a necessary benefit for the dependents to feel safety and remove misery. In fact, misery is against all bases of human being dignity


reclusion assistance direito auxílio-reclusão previdencia social -- brasil

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