Aspectos visíveis das violências invisíveis: violência contra a mulher na família nos casos das usuárias do Centro de Referência Loreta Valadares em Salvador-BA


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present work, of the research line Family and Society, consists in the presentation of the visible aspects of the invisible violences perpetrated against the women that uses the services of attention and prevention of the Center of Reference Loreta Valadares in Salvador, Bahia, during the period of November of 2005 to December of 2008. The general objective of the work is to analyze the actions and the public politics implemented in the combat to the violence against the woman through Brazilian State, by the study of a soteropolitano case. As specific objective it is intended to give visibility to the dates divulged and produced for the CRLV in its programs and prompt performance as for the domestic and familiar violence; to evaluate the attends or services that support the women in violence situation who are using of the CRLV verifying if the State has been efficient in this shelter. The study has understanding of the meanings of being able, violence and domination in leading to the trajectory of the Law Maria of the Penha. Thus, the questions of sort and human rights arise, crossing the borders between the familiar spaces and the characteristic violênces nowadays. Necessary if it makes, however, for better understanding of the phenomenon of the violence against the woman in the family, to delineate the theoretical, historiografics and institucional spaces, beyond appraising and map the types of violence. The indication of the places of bigger incidence and the revelation of the types of violence more comons suffered will allow the evaluation of prompt politics of confrontation as well as recognition of possible imperfections that could be used to improve the effectiveness of the affirmative actions of the State in regards to the violence against the woman for the fact of being woman: gender violence. When it is questioned on the effectiveness of the State with regard to the prevention politics and attention to the women violence victims, the reply is yes and not. Yes, when operacionalized the ways of performance and functioning those agencies in charge to execute such affirmative politics as well as when it promotes the equipment of the units. Not, when one is about the Real and affective attendance based on the dignity of the woman. When the components of the net of attention to the woman victim of domestic and familiar violence (Public Security, Social Assistance, Health, Justice, Education) not act in an isolated and bureaucratic form.


políticas públicas família. gênero violência leis sociologia violence family gender public policies laws

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