Analise e medidas de desempenho dos protocolos de comunicação do Plan 9 e uma comparação com o sistema UNIX




Plan 9 is a distributed operating system developed at the Bell Labs Computing Sciences Research Center. Plan 9 supports several hardware architectures and uses three types of components: terminals, file servers and CPU servers. All Plan 9 resources look like files which can be local or remote, and respond to a protocol named 9P which runs over the transport protocol IL (Internet Link) and which are similar to NFS. In this dissertation we study the Plan 9 system, focusing on the kernel communication facilities between local and remote processes. The performance of these communication mechanisms are compared through micro and macro-benchmarks in the Plan 9, Linux and UNIX/SunOS operating systems. The performance of Plan 9 remote communication is also compared with UNIX/NFS


unix (sistema operacional de computador) linux (sistema operacional de computador) sistemas operacionais (computadores)

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