Análise da relação entre a certificação de dirigentes escolares e a implementação do planejamento estratégico nas escolas da rede pública estadual baiana.




This research study focused on the interactions between the policy of school directors certification and the establishment of strategic planning in state-financed public schools in the State of Bahia. These policies were part of the Educar Para Vencer Program, designed in 1998, which is a key cornerstone for the educational reform in the State of Bahia. This reform is consistent with other efforts that were simultaneously established throughout Brazil during the 90s, aiming to improve the efficiency of the public education systems. The analyses of public policies in education became very relevant given slow economic growth and limited social inclusion, amid fiscal difficulties in many developed countries. This study analyzed elements of the reform efforts that have been studied less in other academic endeavors. The analysis focused on the educational dimension of occupational certification for school directors and its impact on helping principals lead educational change through strategic planning at the school level. The study begins with a literature review, and involved the utilization of secondary data in 616 public schools in Bahia. The evidence suggests that there is a positive and mutually reinforcing relationship between certification of principals and strategic planning at the school level, as was desired by the designers of the reform. The main finding is a moderate and statistically significant correlation between a principals certification status and the schools independence in the implementation of its strategic plan. This means that principal certification efforts are indeed strengthening the school, insofar as to developing competencies in the director to lead the design and implementation of a schoollevel strategic plan.


planejamento estratégico da escola certificação ocupacional occupational certification school strategic planning politica e planejamento governamentais gestão escolar políticas públicas public policy

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