Menopausa e envelhecimento em mulheres da zona baiana.




The present study was aimed at analysing how women from countryside deal with menopause and age and if these processes have influence in their daily life. It was taken an explorative and qualitative approach in two different moments in order to provide a close contact with these women, which allowed a wide perception of their knowledge about the subjects in these two moments of their lives. Primary data were collected between the months of march and may 2003. Thirteen women were interwieececl through semistructured interviews and observation in daily notes, they live in Sta. Izabel village, Ibicaraí-Ba district countryside. A theorical reference about the subjects studied like menopause, age, menstruations female work, sexuality and bodys conception was taken. The results revealed the relation between menopause and age, the way that these processes influence in their day-to-day in regarding to work, bodys comception, sexuality and leisure time are noticed differently by some women even, in acquaintance with similar social and cultural contexts.


serviços de saúde para mulheres-bahia envelhecinmento menstruação menopausa menopausa-aspectos psicológicos enfermagem

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