Adolescente com altas habilidades/superdotação de um assentamento rural: um estudo de caso




In studies conducted since the 20th century, Brazilian investigators and their counterparts from several countries have attempted to clarify and reach an improved understanding of the concept of intelligence, taking into account its multifactorial nature. The purpose of the present study, carried out under this new approach, was to collaborate with discussions encompassing not only the field of education, but also those of social psychology and health psychology, by focusing on a male adolescent who lived in a rural settlement from the ages of six to sixteen and attended a rural school in the county of Sidrolândia, in the southwestern state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. In spite of the financial and educational deficiencies experienced, he ranked third on state level at the Olympics of Mathematics for Brazilian Public Schools (OBMP). This achievement led him to be evaluated by the Center for High Skills and Giftedness of Mato Grosso do Sul (NAAH/S-MS). The study also outlines the evolution of Special Education in the world and in Brazil and addresses distinctive approaches carried out in Mato Grosso do Sul and, in greater detail, the issue of High Skills and Giftedness, of which a historical outline, both in the Brazilian and world setting, is provided, along with a conceptualization and characterization of highly gifted individuals. Because the adolescent investigated in this study lived most of his life in a rural settlement, the text describes the formation of such settings in Brazil and the educational resources available at them. The subjects mother was also interviewed for data collection, as were the teacher and coordinator of the Darcy Ribeiro rural schoolattended by the adolescent and located in the Capão Bonito I rural settlement, in Sidrolândiaand the psychologist at the NAAH/S-MS who conducted his evaluation. Elements of the interviews, in addition to aspects pointed out by contemporary investigators, allowed the subjects features to be organized as a table and discussed, taking into consideration the professional background of the author. The findings, as well as analyses by researchers in this field, not only reveal the giftedness of the individual investigated, but also draw attention to the need for a distinctive social and educational interaction capable of aiding persons with this profile to count on a more favorable insertion into society and to benefit from a more propitious development, so that, by applying their talents, they can aid in the development of areas related to their skillsaspects that warrant the development of further studies in this field of knowledge.


altas habilidades psicologia superdotado; educação especial; educação rural. giftedness education in the rural setting superdotação asentamento. rural settlements. high skills educação rural

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