A TV digital no Brasil : do SBTVD ao ISDTV-T : a política a reboque da tecnologia




This thesis aims discuss digital televisions establishment in Brazil, observing the political actions which has been designed by the Communications Department since Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, the President of Brazil, first term of office 2002 to 2006 considering the dates of November 26t h 2003, the inauguration of the Brazilian System of Digital TVDTV, according to Law # 4.901, and June 29t h 2006, when Japanese standard ISDB-T was chosen by President Lula and authorized by Law # 5.820. The research also approaches the development of the Brazilian standard of Digital Television, based on the Japanese standard, called ISDTV-T, the creation of middleware Ginga NCL-Lua, component of the Brazilian System of Land Digital Television, and finally, the official inauguration of the DTV in Brazil, São Paulo, on December 2n d 2007. Our approach, under the theories of Political Economy of Communication, aims to investigate the reasons why the Japanese hybrid standard system was chosen despite of the others and the impact of this choice on the Brazilian industry apart from the political and economical connections that had influenced the establishment of a model of service and business to built this new technology.


tv digital public policies of broadcasting políticas de comunicação políticas públicas para radiodifusão comunicacao digital television comunication policies televisão television

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