A sala de aula universitária como espaço de inovação: investigando o curso de nutrição da Unisinos




This work is based on the pedagogical practices that are considered significant by the students of the Nutrition Course at the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos UNISINOS and the advocacy of the lecturers that developed these practices. It was sought to discover whether these experiences signified innovation in the sense of a paradigmatic break, understanding innovation as a discontinuous process, of ruptures with the traditional forms of teaching and learning. Within this goal, it was also sought to understand how the lecturers, seen as innovators by their students, constructed the route to follow as educators, identifying the processes instituted in their pedagogical practice. A qualitative methodology and the principles of an ethnographic approach were used in the expectation of understanding the processes in the social context under which they were produced, on the basis of their history and the contingencies of their production. To carry out the research thirty nine students and four lecturers from the Nutrition course were selected as subjects. A questionnaire was given to the finalists of the course, asking about their experiences of the process of university study, in particular those that they considered most significant. From the analysis of their answers the lecturers that were responsible for these experiences were identified, with it being observed that the same names were consistently chosen. Where possible it was sought to work, also, with a criterion of representativity, including educators associated with different areas of the course, with whom semi-structured interviews were held, as it was considered that these permitted a greater depth to be obtained in the desired information. The activities elected by the students as being significant were of various different natures. However in all of them the practice appears as the launching point for the adoption of a theory which then acquires greater meaning for the students, being constituted in the most recent rupture in the reconfiguration of knowledge, transforming itself into self-knowledge and triggering, in the student, a transforming action. These activities are characterized by the interaction between the affective and subjective dimensions, including emotion, sensitivity and aesthetic perception, interconnecting subjectivity and objectivity, science and culture, technique and politics. To enhance the analysis the categories proposed in studies by Sousa Santos, Cunha, Lucarelli, Leite, amongst others, were used. In the field of educator knowledge the approaches of Tardif, Pimenta e Anastasiou were important. Personal and professional paths are defining factors in the approach of lecturers, revealing their conception of their pedagogical actions. They indicate the conditions present in the constitution of the professionalism of teachers in superior education. The research confirmed the importance of understanding and developing knowledge about the educational practices that are used in the University, emphasizing the importance of the lecturers reflecting on these and that alternatives in processes arise from their real possibilities. In this sense it is in agreement with other studies that had the objective of constructing the basis for a university level pedagogy. The pedagogical policy projects of the courses and institutions can be important instruments in the stimulation of this condition


educator knowledge university pedagogy meaningful learning curso de nutrição innovation pedagogy nutrition course educacao inovação pedagógica saberes docentes aprendizagem significativa pedagogia universitária

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