A relação entre a hipermídia e a aprendizagem: uma abordagem construtivista




The objective of this thesis is to research the different ways that hypermedia could be used as an innovative pedagogical resource in the teaching and learning process; so that it helps the student to build knowledge. This research began with an analysis of two hypermedia works, Leonardo 2.0 - The Inventor and The Local History in the alphabetization process for children, youth and adults of the Diadema municipality; composed by the Diadorim hypermedia, both available in CD-ROM. This study takes into consideration the properties and characteristics of digital environments, particularly hypermedia, analyzing various situations and suggesting ways that contribute to more autonomous learning within this environment, all based on a constructivist pedagogical conception.


hipermídia constructivism ensino e aprendizagem hypermedia teaching and learning construtivismo educacao

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