A (in) sustentabilidade da suinocultura e a atividade leiteira diante das perspectivas de viabilização sócio-econômica da agricultura familiar no Oeste Catarinense




This assignment is about the economic, social and environmental impacts caused by the concentration of the pig farms, and the growth of the dairy activity in the Catarinense West Region. It was observed that with the concentration of that activity that started in the eighties, there was a severe social exclusion, and hundreds of farmer families were expelled from the productive chain. The environmental problems got worse as well, contaminating the springs and rising the risks of illnesses caused by the excess and the bad management of the effluents. Besides that the family relationship and the living together in the neighborhoods are worsen because of the strong smell and the proliferation of the flies and mosquitoes. The living together in comunities through parties and moments for leisure, was also worsen. The dairy activity, which occupied a gap left by the pig farmers, has showed itsef more sustainable because it is developed by a large number of farmer families with better distribution of the space, with a fairer income and a smaller environmental impact. Nowadays the pig farmers has gone through a sustainable crisis because of the concentration of the production of waste material and because of the income, which has been worsen by the cyclical crises that are common in this activity. In the meantime, there will be the same risk in the dairy activity if the productive way protected by some leadership becomes thuth, which may provoke a big exclusion of one of the last economical options for the regional development. These two activities were analysed in a case study in the microregion of Lajeado São Jose, in Chapecó city, where the dairy production was more sustainable than the pig farmers, offering a better life for the farmer families


agricultura familiar crescimento econômico sustentabilidade ciências humanas rural space poluição por dejetos suínos desenvolvimento econômico - aspectos ambientais; suinocultura; famílias rurais - condições econômicas famílias rurais - condições sociais family agriculture swine deject polution development sustainability desenvolvimento economic growth

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