A auto-avaliação das instituições de educação superior catarinenses diante da consolidação do sistema nacional de avaliação da educação superior (SINAES)




The Ministry of Education in Brazil (MEC), helps the Brazilian government to regulate the quality of higher education. The Law number 10.861, of April 14th, 2004, instituted the National System of Evaluation of the Higher Education (SINAES), that it considers the joint of the governmental regulation with the initiatives of self-evaluation of Institutions of Higher Education (IES). The IES are if adjusting to the new system, fulfilling the stages suggested for the National Commission of Evaluation of the Higher Education (CONAES). The general objective was turned toward analyzes the process of self-evaluation of the IES of Santa Catarina before o SINAES. They had been you study the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), the entailed IES to the Association of Santa Catarina of the Educational Foundations (ACAFE) and the entailed IES to the Association of Particular Maintainers of Superior Education of Santa Catarina (AMPESC). The specific objectives had been the following ones: to characterize the IES, to identify the practical ones of institucional evaluation previous to the institution of the SINAES; to verify the stages of self-evaluation carried through by the IES of Santa Catarina, after the institution of the SINAES; to describe the easiness, difficulties and suggestions that the IES of Santa Catarina have in a relation to the stage of self-evaluation of the SINAES; e to evaluate the process of self-evaluation in relation to the characteristics of the IES. The exploratory and qualitative research, in the first part, was descriptive, qualitative; and of the type survey in the second part. A structuralized questionnaire so used instrument of collection of data, in four blocks, with open and closed questions. The conclusions indicate distinct characteristics, how much the agency of regulation, academic organization, legal regimen and geographic area. One still concluded that the IES already carried through evaluation before the institution of the SINAES, and that they are if adjusting to the stages suggested for the CONAES. Another conclusion was of that the biggest easiness of the IES is the compromisse of internal stakeholders, and the biggest difficulty becomes related it the human resources. As suggestions, the IES indicate that the CONAES turn into the amount of pointers. With relation to the analysis, the main conclusions are that the IES regulated for the Federal System of Education (SFE) more are adjusted to the stages of the CONAES of that the IES that if report the State Advice of Education (CCE). The superior faculties, justinian codes and higher schools are more advanced in the adequacy of that the university centers, that are more advanced of the one than the universities, inasmuch as they are different stated periods for these distinct categories. In relation to the legal regimen, while that a public IES still didnt initiate this process, another one is advanced phase, being able to be compared with the private IES, with bigger adequacy in four stages. The relation to the geographic area, a trend of the IES of the north and the west of the Santa Catarina exists to be above of the general average, while the IES of the Biggest Florianópolis to be below of this average. As suggestions, in its majority, the IES indicate that the CONAES redimensione the amount of pointers.


ampesc regulation administracao de sistemas educacionais regulação acafe ensino superior; avaliação; santa catarina; universidades e faculdades - avaliação sinaes institucional evaluation sinaes avaliação institucional

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