Writing : a genre of discursive articulation reflecting the subject s interaction with his interlocutor(s) / Enunciados escritos : relações dialogicas entre generos discursivos




This work proposes to show one way to comprehend the writing of two subjects who studied in the same classroom, starting from the intergeneric relationship proposed by Bakhtin (1979). For this purpose, I assume all writing is a genre of discursive articulation reflecting the subject´s interaction with his interlocutor(s). In order to consider the intergeneric relationship in the subjects´ writing, I conducted an ethnographic study that started in the classroom and also included their neighborhoods and homes. Based on that study, I present and discuss the distinguishing characteristics that make each subject unique, going beyond their Portuguese teacher´s labels (one is a bad student and one is good). Having established the unique characteristics for the comparison of the two subjects, I point out that the difference between them, a difference that only arises from my interaction with them which made possible the co-construction of the singularity of the intergeneric relationship, is reflected in the different conceptions of school present in their writing styles and in their individual interaction with m during the research. In these two conceptions of school, there are displayed also different conceptions of literacy, showing that one of the subjects built discursively his representation of school, of the scriptor and student "from school to life," and the other "from life to school."


literacy letramento subjetividade autoria generos discursivos discurse genre teaching subjectivity

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