Valores e funções dos advérbios locativos no português popular brasileiro / The behavior of the locative case in the Portuguese popular spoken in Brazil




In this research we analyze, of a point sight synchronic and quantitative, the functions that the locative case aqui, aí, ali and lá are used in the sentence and in the text. For that, we work with the range of the Portuguese popular spoken in Brazil, more specifically the dialect utilized by the informers of the Filologia Bandeirante project (MEGALE, 1998) and by the talkative that supplied stuff for organization of the Banco de Dados do Português Popular Falado na Cidade de São Paulo (RODRIGUES, 1987). The main question analyzed was the syntactic function of the adverbs locative case, for instance if would be always adjunct, as some Traditional Grammar (GT) believe or it would be able to exercise the predicate arguments function, like some studies already aim. Adopting the theoretical-methodological budgets of the Functional Grammar of DIK (1989) and of the Sociolinguistics Variationist, our objective is going to describe, analyze and explain the behavior of the locative case, seeking identify the possible contexts that favor the appearance of these we will have as argument, or on the other hand like satellites of EsCo.


sociolinguistics locativos adverbiais contextos de uso gramática funcional contexts of use sociolingüística functional grammar português popular locative adverb portuguese popular

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