Advérbios focalizadores no português brasileiro




This MA thesis has as main goal to discourse on the focus adverbs in the Brazilian Portuguese (henceforth PB) and to verify their syntactic behavior, since that kind of adverb has as scope elements like nominal phrases, prepositional phrases, among other, i. e., categories that are not traditionally classified as susceptible to they be modified by adverbs. For so much, we adopt the Generative Theory framework (1995) for base in the analysis of data, as well as of its methodological apparatus. I try to defend the hypothesis that adverbs should be separate in two big groups Advérbios Verdadeiros (AV) and Pseudo-Advérbios (PA), considering morphsyntactic factors. Then, among AVs, there are focus adverbs that possess the termination in - mente. In elapsing of the analysis, we verified that there are two hypotheses for the syntactic behavior of those adverbs: one refers to the syntactic-semantics restrictions that some adverbs possess, favoring to a division among them, and other predicts that some of that adverb type possesses a domain adjacent to the element that modifies, forming a complex. For the analysis of data, I run over my intuition of native speaker of PB, as well as to the grammatical tests. In highest, it is imperative to punctuate that our hypotheses here were confirmed, because the indications followed this result.


língua portuguesa brasil síntaxe língua portuguesa advérbio linguistica

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