Uso de prótese auditiva no controle do zumbido e alucinação musical / Use of hearing aids for controlling tinnitus and musical hallucinations


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Introduction: Although auditory hallucinations are considered psychopathological phenomena, musical hallucinations have been reported in individuals without history of psychosis but with otologic symptoms. As is the case for tinnitus, hearing loss is thought to be the main predisposing factor for the emergence of musical hallucinations. To date, musical hallucinations have remained refractory to the treatment approaches typically recommended in the literature. Objectives: 1. Primary: to assess the effect of one year of hearing aid use in patients with both tinnitus and musical hallucinations associated with hearing loss; 2. Secondary: a. to investigate the coexistence of otologic, neurologic and psychiatric diseases; b. to verify the association between improvement of tinnitus and musical hallucinations using hearing aid. Methods: given the rareness of the phenomenon, a nonrandomized clinical trial was conducted including the first 14 consecutive adult patients of both genders with tinnitus and musical hallucinations enrolled at the Tinnitus Research Group of the Clinicas Hospital of the University of São Paulo School of Medicine. All patients were assessed by the same multidisciplinary team of ENT specialists, neurologists and psychiatrists. All patients met audiologic criteria for use of a hearing aid and had shown no improvement in symptoms after treatment with medications. The experimental group comprised 9 participants who were given counseling on their three auditory symptoms and fitted with hearing aids. The control group comprised 5 subjects given the same counseling but who declined to have hearing aids fitted. Tinnitus was assessed at baseline and again at 1- year follow-up using the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory whereas musical hallucinations were assessed by a numeric scale. Results: The two groups proved suitably matched for deafness, with 80% of the both groups presenting with severe to profound hearing loss. The cognitive assessment revealed mild attention deficit in 33.3% (experimental group) and 20%(control group). Epileptiform activity was detected in 11.1% (experimental group) and 20% (control group). The psychiatric assessment revealed depressive episodes in 66.6% (experimental group) and 80% (control group). Generalized anxiety was found in 11.1% (experimental group) and 0% (control group) and absence of psychiatric diagnoses in 22% (experimental group) and 20% (control group). Patients from both groups showed improved tinnitus handicap grades at 1-year follow-up, although experimental group subjects had a significantly greater improvement than control group subjects. Only individuals from the experimental group improved on musical hallucination handicap. No correlation was found between improvement in tinnitus and improvement in musical hallucinations. Conclusion: In the sample studied, musical hallucination was found in females and elderly adults and was associated with mood disorders. Patients presenting with musical hallucinations should be submitted to a multidisciplinary assessment (otologic, psychiatric and neurologic) to refine the diagnosis. Sound amplification using a hearing aid, combined with specific counseling on tinnitus, musical hallucinations and hearing loss, proved more effective for controlling tinnitus and musical hallucinations after one year than specific counseling alone


alucinações hallucinations hearing aid hearing loss music música perda auditiva prótese auditiva tinnitus zumbido

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