Mutações genéticas da deficiência auditiva: avaliação comportamental e eletrofisiológica da audição sem e com prótese auditiva em crianças. / Genetic mutations of the hearing loss: Behavioral and electrophysiological assessment of hearing with or without hearing aids in children


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Objective: To evaluate Minimal Response Levels (MRL) electrophysiological and behavioral on sound field, with or without hearing aids, according presence or absence of genetic mutations of the hearing loss (HL) in a group of children attended in a Hearing Health Service of Unique Health System. Methods: Thirty children were evaluated, with ages between eight and 111 months, hearing aids users. The evaluation procedures used were: pure tone audiometry and the auditory steady state response (ASSR) on sound field with or without hearing aids and genetic study of the hearing loss. Results: Three genetic mutations were diagnosed - 35delG, A1555G and A827G. The children with this kind of mutations showed the higher degree of hearing loss. There was correlation between MRL electrophysiological and behavioral obtained with or without the use of amplification on the four evaluated frequencies, with the exception of the 500Hz frequency on the unaided condition. The MRL with hearing aids were smaller than without hearing aids. Average differences between ASSR and the behavioral thresholds varied from -3,8 to -9,9dB (average) on the unaided condition; and from -4,6 to -10,8dB (average) on the condition with hearing aids. The length of time, average, of ASSR was 33,5 minutes without hearing aids and 51,7 minutes with hearing aids. Children with profound HL the exam was the shortest (21,8 minutes average). Conclusion: The genetic mutations were founded in 36,7% of the sample, which justifies the importance of the genetic tracking on the hearing habilitation process. The use of the ASSR on sound field with or without the use of hearing aids is possible and the shorter length of time of the exam was on the condition without hearing aids. There was good correlation between the MRL electrophysiological and behavioral, with or without hearing aids, which turns the ASSR a good option on the evaluation process of the benefit of the hearing aids in pediatric population.


potenciais evocados auditivos auxiliares de audição crianças perda auditiva genética fonoaudiologia

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