Urban-environmental dilemma in the brazilian territorial formation: challenges to the urban planning in Brazil / Dilema urbano-ambiental na formação do território brasileiro: desafios ao planejamento urbano no Brasil




The separation dealing with urban and environmental issues in the Brazilian territory formation and in the territorial public policies formulation is treated here through a dialogical approach which tries to relate some of the main social, historical, economical and political aspects that influenced this trajectory in different periods of timetables, space context and analytical scales. This fragmentation is observed in propositions that, in different moments throughout Brazilian history, referred to social-economical development possibilities allied to territorial conformation institutional processes based upon juridical instances. This work questions the validity of this approach in order to comprehend and take action upon urban and environmental problems in the real city, where urban and environmental matters appear inseparable. In order to do so, we worked to comprehend how urban-environmental problems has been generated throughout he Brazilian urbanization process, by means of the definition of six historical periods and the incorporation of capitalist (re)production logic in the social-economical relations and in the city production. The compared analysis of the evolution concerning institutional actions towards environmental defense in Brazil, learned by the organization of five historical periods and the study of social movements and the debates about development policies, the juridical set that define urban and environmental laws in the federal scope and the subsides obtained by the urbanization process in Brazil showed evidence of the existence of contradictions, which characterize the disarticulation of urban and environmental matters in territorial public policies proposals. This assessment was proved under the empirical experience by means of the case study realization that brings the analysis of Chapecó (SC) urban planning proposals, their contexts, limits and achievements. The interpretation of theses elements pointed to the suggestion that a paradigmatic change is happening concerning possible intervention patterns towards urban environment and also that the articulation of urban and environmental issues should raise mainly from the social movements actions, since the instruments and mechanisms inscribed in the pretense urban and environment policies express a dichotomy in the way human-nature relation is understood throughout the course of action suggested in these laws. Through this perspective, the urban-environmental conflicts can aid the recognition of interests and social actors around urban-environmental matters, in order to propitiate new political, administration and technical arrangements which can gradually bind the society actuation towards collectivity interests.


meio ambiente urbano políticas públicas urban territorial planning território urban politicie urban environment brazil territory public politicies políticas urbanas planejamento territorial urbano brasil

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