Uma proposta de ensino e aprendizagem de programação linear no Ensino Médio


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present work has as its main objective to present a proposal of study of the subject Linear Programming on the curriculum of High Schools in the discipline of Mathematics. We will do a review on some relevant themes about Linear Programming, as well as the resolution of Math problems, which will consist in the methodology used in this activity. A practical application of this proposal will be presented through a didactic sequence, which was applied in a group of High School students from a federal public school in the city of Porto Alegre, in 2011. Because of its applicative and contextualized character, the Linear Programming is perfectly adequate to be presented and worked in High Schools in the discipline of Math, for it will make students more participative and motivated to study and discuss this subject. Following the methodology of resolution of problems, we will present some activities that may serve as suggestions to possible applications in other contexts and situations. It¿s important to point out that the resolution of Math problems may approach students to this discipline, creating a very favorable environment to the full development of their cognitive capacities, allying knowledge, autonomy, creativity, as well as applying, contextualizing and relating Mathematics to the world around us.


teaching proposal ensino medio : matematica linear programming resolution of problems programação linear mathematics education mathematics teaching ensino-aprendizagem

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