Uma metodologia para avaliação de usabilidade de interface web de sites bancários




This dissertation describes a questionaire-base metodology, with usability and heuristic evaluation combined, that was used for evaluate four web sites of Brasilian banks, showing its analysis. The results confirm our expectative that the Internet Banking Sites have to be changed in usability, to achieve better acceptance by the users, especially in user necessities adaptation, grouping principal user tasks, terminology and grouping logically the site links. Banks are financial institutions that work with a very varied clientele, with very differentiated social and cultural levels, but they need to render an efficient service, as well as to assist its customer in the best possible way, independent of any restrictive factor that can interfere in that relationship. According to FEBRABAN (2001), the investments in computer science and telecommunications are growing and placed the Brazilian bank system among the most modern of the world. The customers of these institutions are searching for alternatives forms of services outside the traditional Banking environment. The interface evaluation of some Brazilian bank system sites, will supply guidelines and orientations for corporate banks sites projects.


sistemas de informacao interface com o usuÁrio - dissertaÇÕes internet - dissertaÇÕes

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