Uma genealogia das politicas para creche no Brasil : Estado e infancia de 1899-1920 / A genealogy of public policies for the day-care-centers in Brazil : State and childres (1899-1920)




With this study, we tried to investigate the formation of a national policy in Brazil for small child after the creation of the Day-Care-Center Institution. The study comprehends the end of the nineteenth century - from 1899, with the creation of the Child Protection Institute (IPAI) in Rio de Janeiro - to the beginning of the twentieth century, when State actions are aimed at the protection of Brazilian children, and start having a specific legislation for that. The propagation of scientific knowledge, such as the Child Development Studies, the Pediatrics and the Pedagogy, has selected the child as object of study and intervention. Celebrating the Children has become the target of a civilized nation, and the Day-Care-Center begins to be considered as the institution for the protection of the small children. In this context, we analyze first the campaign for the assistance to children, which became the subject for several social activists (doctors, jurists, philanthropists, Church representatives and politicians), gathered for the same cause when the increasing interest for the children has put into discussion the competence of the State in effectively dealing with the problem of children. Secondly, we analyze the different kinds of assistance used in the country to serve the children?s cause. Finally, we analyzed the public policies aimed at the small children after the origin of the Day-Care-Center Institution in Brazil, emphasizing the sanitary-doctor discourse and its influence in the effectiveness of these policies.


day care centers childhood politicas publicas child education creches educação infantil public policy infancia

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