Gênero e Políticas Públicas: Iniciativas de Governos Subnacionais no Brasil / Gender and Public Policies in State and Local Government in Brazil




The study presents the results of a research about the incorporation of the gender perspective on public policies and governmental programs at the sub-national level of government in Brazil. The study complements a previous report on the same subject, focusing on a new set of governmental programs. The analysis includes policies and programs which focus is women, as well as initiatives on different areas of public policies, which integrate the gender issue. The research was based upon a data bank from the Public Management and Citizenship Program, a program which purpose is to disseminate and give awards to innovations at the subnational level of government, a program developed by Fundação Getulio Vargas and Ford Foundation, with the support of BNDES. The analysis considered the governmental initiatives from the 1997 Cycle, and presents 41 policies or programs. Seven of these programs have women as its focus and the other 34 are initiatives from different sectors, which integrate the gender issue. The analysis uses as a reference the agenda built by gender movements and entities. This agenda was reconstructed during this research and in the previous one, developed on the same subject. The analysis suggests that, in the programs that have as its focus women, as well in those that integrate the gender issue, it occurs two different approaches: a) in some cases, the approach that prevails tends to reinforce the traditional role of woman, or to consider women only as a risk group as in some of the health programs b) a second group of programs seems to answer to demands from gender movements. In this case, policies and programs reflect the recognition of the specificity of women situation, which means the recognition of gender inequalities. These programs include mechanisms and strategies, which help to reduce gender inequalities and to promote equality between women and men, in its specific fields.


gênero políticas públicas políticas sociais governo local mulher políticas de gênero

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