Uma abordagem teórica e clínica do ambiente a partir de Winnicott




This text is the result of a bibliographical study which endeavoured to further comprehend the concept environment in the theory of the human maturation theory by English psychoanalyst Donald Woods Winnicott. From the nature comprehension of this concept, of its extension and aplication, it would be possible then to examine and compare the theory and clinic of other analysts of his time with his, and verify if there would be any correlation of the term among them. In the clinic, the focus was upon childrens psychoanalysis and how the work of all the researched authors would be, altogether in an specific environment: the parents. The authors contemporary to Winnicott who had their work reseached were Freud, Melanie Klein, Anna Freud, Lacan and Françoise Dolto. The results obtained showed the non existence of the concept or any other relation to another term, not only in what belongs to its broadness, but also to the specificity and essential of its parts, either in a subjective way, to the baby, or gradually objective. When considering the environment in this manner, Winnicott allows it a place never found before in the psychoanalytic field, implying in substancial differences in the clinic as an example, the analysis share with the parents, who could even do the psychotherapy of their own children. The results showed, also, in Winnicott, a very coherent thought with his pratices, allowing an spontaneous, creative and responsible application


psychoanalysis shared teoria do amadurecimento humano creativity winnicott criatividade psicologia winnicott, donald woods -- 1896-1971 -- critica e interpretacao psicanálise compartilhada human maturation theory psicanalise infantil environment psicanalise da crianca ambiente

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